BEST!! How To Bulk Rename Files In Windows 10 & 11

4 min readAug 16, 2021
BEST!! How To Bulk Rename Files In Windows 10 & 11

Renaming a single file is not difficult; simply right-click on the file and select the “Rename” option from the list. However, what if you need to rename multiple files simultaneously? This could be a lengthy process. 😂

However, the advantage of Windows 10/11 is that it includes a lumpsome amount of tools that enable you to rename multiple files with a single click. To accomplish this, you must first select the files and configure the rename rules.

Ways to Bulk Rename Files in Windows 10 & 11
We’ve included a few of the best methods and apps for batch renaming files in Windows 10/Windows 11 below. We have not included any difficult methods; the methods shared below are straightforward and simple to implement. Let us proceed to the checkout.

Using File Explorer

Step 1. To begin, select all of the files you wish to rename. After selecting an item, click the ‘Rename’ button.

Step 2. Following that, you’ll notice that all of the selected files remain selected, but the first one has its name highlighted for renaming.

Step 3. Enter a new name for the highlighted file and then press the enter key. You’ll notice that all selected files will be renamed automatically.


For those unfamiliar, PowerToys is a collection of freeware system utilities aimed at power users. It includes a feature called PowerRename. You can easily rename multiple files simultaneously with PowerRename.

We’ve included a detailed guide on how to use PowerToys to batch rename files on Windows. We recommend that you refer to that guide for batch file renaming on the Windows 10/Windows 11 operating systems.

Massive File Renamer

You will find tools for every purpose on the Windows operating system. As a result, you can easily rename multiple files using the Massive File Renamer tool. Massive file renamer performs a wide variety of renaming tasks.

Although the app is not widely used, it is extremely effective at renaming files in bulk. The app is available in two languages: English and Spanish.

Advanced Renamer

Advanced Renamer is a programme that allows you to rename multiple files and folders simultaneously. The names can be manipulated in a variety of ways by configuring renaming methods. Advanced Renamer allows you to create new file names by adding, removing, replacing, changing case, or completely renaming the file based on known information about the file.

If you’re looking to create a batch job that will rename multiple files on your Windows computer, Advanced Renamer may be the best option.

File Renamer Basic

File Renamer Basic is another excellent Windows 10 utility that enables you to rename multiple files simultaneously. The wonderful feature of File Renamer Basic is that it enables users to rename entire directories or subdirectories of files, images, and videos in bulk. Due to the utility’s ease of use, it requires less space to install.

Ant Renamer

If you’re looking for a free Windows 10 tool that makes file renaming a breeze, Ant Renamer might be the best choice. What do you think? Ant Renamer is one of the capable Windows 10 tools that can quickly rename large numbers of files and folders.

Not only that, but Ant Renamer also includes a slew of filters for users to use when selecting files for renaming, including uppercase, lowercase, first letter, and each word in uppercase.


Rename is one of the best 😍 free and open-source Windows tools for batch file and folder renaming. The wonderful thing about Rename-It is that it enables users to apply filters to a list of files and folders in order to rename the entire list with a single click.

It validates file names, integrates through the Explorer context menu, and supports regular expressions. Thus, Rename is another excellent Windows tool for batch file renaming.

Thus, these are the most effective methods for batch file renaming in Windows 10 and Windows 11. I hope this article was beneficial to you! Kindly forward it to your friends as well. If you have any questions about this, please leave them in the comment section below.

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